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I don't speak for the entire staff or management at our shop but this is my honest review as I see it, I hope that I can inspire some of you to come and have a rummage whatever the weather. I volunteer at this shop 1 day and 2 afternoons a week with various other volunteers, we work very hard to keep it clean and tidy. I pride myself on helping along the friendly atmosphere generated by all of us volunteers, even on wet and windy days when everything feels a bit grey you'll be welcomed with a cheery hello and a smile. Our customers who not only spend but also donate are invaluable in making us what we are they are so very generous, as are all us volunteers with our time, energy, humour and smiles. We always make time to listen if people just pop in for a chat, we're not Arkwright from Open All Hours with the hard sell :) Raising money for Childcare is important of course it is, but people will always be more important. Thank you for taking time to read this.